June 2, 2021
Dear Ivy Family,
It's amazing to see that the end of the school year arrived so quickly. I want to thank you all for the support and patience shown these past 10 months. We had successes and some challenges, yet despite all, we continued the work that has to be done to ensure the safety and educational needs of our scholars. There are countless people to whom I owe an expression of gratitude and hope that we continue working together in the coming years. An expression of special thanks goes to our Operations' team and our wonderful District team, who were in classrooms and outside them supporting scholars in everything possible. Your presence and support make a much stronger working community supporting to achieve the school's goals and ensuring our scholars are our top priority.
I would like to thank our hard-working and caring faculty and staff who have made a huge difference to our scholars. Their commitment is outstanding and our girls are the beneficiaries. Thank you for providing rich and engaging, well-rounded experiences for our scholars and knowing that education is about wonder and fostering curiosity, along with development of social skills so needed to succeed. For these, and a million other things, we are truly grateful.
In closing, I take this opportunity to congratulate all scholars of Ivy Preparatory Academy! I wish you all a very happy, safe, and enjoyable summer. Please be sure to take time as a family to talk, play and READ together.
I look forward to seeing you in August. To those of who are leaving us for new places, we wish you all the best!!!
